Friday, December 13, 2013

Chapter 1 to 3: The factors affecting the popularity of serial killers in film and television

Chapter 1

A. Background of the Study

There was a saying by Filmmaker Abel Ferrara; Violence is cinematic. It's like putting mustard on a hot dog. Serial killers are often described as people who murdered their victims three or more in a period of more than a month with downtime between murders, before we dig deep in on what is a serial killer we must first differentiate what Is a serial killer from the other names like spree killer and mass murderer which the most people would mistakenly take them as the same. Now a serial killer kills in a sequential manner, with the killings separated on a long period of time, while a mass murderer kills a several people In a single event and for a spree killer, just like the serial killer they kill in a sequential manner but what makes them different is a serial killer will return to normal activity between killings while a spree killer will not.

This research will tackle specifically on serial killers, It is also important to note that serial killers are not a new phenomenon in so called civilized societies. They are not something created by industrialization or advancing technology, but something more readily revealed through industrialization and advancing technology. There are recorded accounts of serial killers in the fifteenth century, such as Gilles de Rais (Gribbon, 2005).

Looking further back into history, using today's definition of serial killer, it is likely many more serial killers would be discovered, where records could be analyzed.

According to the article, Natural Born Celebrities by David Schmid Serial Killers are natural born celebrities, they're existence is famous in contemporary American culture, now a serial murder is something that is being done by a serial killer occuring over a period of time at different places, whose motive is not for material gain and there is usually no connection between the victim and the killer. ( )

If we would think about it is somehow true that they are natural born celebrities maybe because of the media helping them out be famous and the serial killers helping them out as well by making them lots of money. We can see a lot of serial killer story especially in television and films.

Now movie making or movies is a unique medium among all tools of the trade, it has been a factor on why there is Celebrity serial killers. It is a medium defined by the representation of acts of violence and by the presence of stars.

Even television networks have continuously made profit from the serial killers' lives by having famous actors and actresses play them on TV shows and in movies because public people finds the life of a serial killer to be interesting and with the heinous acts that they portray, it gives the media reason to put them on display.

In a article I have read called Serial Killer vs Media: A Symbiotic Relationship? By Morgan Summerfield “All this being said, it would seem the easy answer is yes, serial killers have an impact on the media…they make them money. Yet, when one reverses the question, some troubling thoughts come to mind. Most serial killers are egotistical, desire attention, want people to know and understand that they are "all powerful." Doesn't the media feed this ego and even inflate it with sensational headlines such as "Green River Killer Outsmarts Police"? Given all the media coverage, articles, books, movies and websites devoted to serial killers there is a do it yourself library available for the serial killer wannabe (Anonymous c, 2005). In an era where the media has so much power to influence and so many people fail to think and just accept information provided by the media, isn't there a risk that the media is helping to "create" more serial killers?
It discussed how serial killers and the media is kind of a two way street wherein both takes care of each other. The serial killer impacts the media and the media impacts the serial killer. Together they impact society

The representation of violence or serial killers in film or television is so centralized. By constructing it's history we'd be able to track and enumerate the factors making serial killer popular in film and television.

Having background information on the popularity of the serial killer genre would help people understand such trend and thus making them fit to make a story for films or television similar to the serial culture tackled in this research.

The purpose of this paper is to enumerate and discuss the factors affecting the popularity of serial killers in television and films.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:
1. What are the factors affecting the popularity of serial killers in television and films.

C. Significance of the Study

Film Students. This research paper would be able to help students in college taking up courses regarding films. They would be able to gain knowledge about the culture and trends portrayed from this study thus giving them insights for them to make such particular films in the future.

Film Makers. Film Makers will benefit from this study in regard to knowing certain key information in making related films specific to this research. They would be able to apply such information to their work.

Screen Writers. This study would be able to help screen writers in such that they would have knowledge in writing films related to this research, they would be able to understand how this particular genres of film work and could apply to their manuscripts.

Future Researchers. Future researchers would benefit because this will help them with their future study and this study can also act as a backbone or foundation.

D. Scope and Limitations

This research will focus on the factors involved on why such genre; serial killers on film/television are very popular.
This study will only be discussing the media of film/television with serial killers and no other genres.

E. Materials and Methods

  1. This research employs a Descriptive method since the researcher aims to give factors on how serial killers are very popular. This method is the process of gathering analyzing, classifying and tabulating about prevailing conditions, trends, processes and making adequate and accurate interpretation about the data.

F. Definition of Terms

Serial Killers. is traditionally defined as a person who has murdered three or more people over a period of more than a month, with down time (a "cooling off period") between the murders.The motivation for killing is usually based on psychological gratification.

Screen Writer. is a writer who practices the craft of screenwriting, writing screenplays on which mass media such as films, television programs, comics or video games are based.

Film Maker. is the process of making a film. Film making involves a number of discrete stages including an initial story, idea. It involves scriptwriting, casting, shooting, editing, and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release.

Film Director. is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision.

Audience. is a group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art, in this case film.

Plot. it's the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect.

Chapter 2

I. Definition and factors affecting the popularity of serial killers in television and films.

Robert Ressler coined the term “Serial Killer”, the purpose was to label or to provide clarity of repetitive murders at different series of time. For years, people are fascinated by serial killers. Every people have their own notion on what serial killer is and how they operate there is always something more than meets the eye.

A typical serial killer being portrayed in film and television are those who is brutal, who kills their victim in a very unexpected way.

There's an article written by Morgan Summerfield entitled “Serial Killer vs Media “How does all this fame come to fruition? Why all the attention? The serial killer and the profiler are celebrities in today's society. The more sensational the case, the more coverage it receives (O'Connor, 2005). Even over time, the stories of serial killers past are brought back to "life" in the media (Bell, 2005). The modern day serial killer seeks out attention for his or her acts and the media obliges with as many gory details as they can surmise. The public has a fascination with that which is not "normal." Just look at the popularity of Ripley's Believe it or Not. The initial sight of the two-headed dog may set us back, but we keep on looking. Humans are curious by nature. The media knows and feeds on this curiosity. The consumer or individual must take some responsibility for fostering and encouraging the media to pursue horrific stories. If circulation didn't go up every time some heinous act was committed and reported, the media would be less likely to pursue such stories. (

He discussed how people are attracted by gruesome stuff but yet somehow we don't find it really gruesome instead people are attracted to it and usually comes back for more. He also added the people are curious by nature, we are like cats but we don't have 9 lives. He then said that the media knows about this curiosity, and that's why the media are always making heinous film and series.

II. Factors affecting the popularity of serial killers in television and films.

A.The Villain and Hero Story.

A reason today why Serial Killer series and films are widely spread in the world is they have something that people likes to watch. The Villain and the hero, obviously the serial killer is the villain, you might think that the police is the hero, you might be right but in today's trend, they are called the “serial killers profilers” whom are made famous by movies like “The silence of the lambs”, TV series like Hannibal. In an article by Rose Rosenbaum entitled Why america loves serial killers :
And then there are those pseudo-scientific charlatans, the "serial killer profilers" made heroes by The Silence of the Lambs and the bullshit best-sellers they write who claim to have fathomed the source of human evil in bromides like "low self-esteem" and "abusive family situations." The profilers get to be heroes because they convince Americans that however much evil is out there, however many serial killers, these specters are not unfathomable. Rather, they are explicable, capable of capture both physically and psychologically by these brilliant knights in scientific armor who can put the killers under the microscope and deliver us from evil. ( )“

He discussed how profilers are the heroes of serial killer movies and series. They are the one who saves the day and this is what makes the audience long for more, the idea of violence and a hero who stops violence has been the sole foot of the media industry, but audiences are not necessarily attracted to violence per se, but seem to be drawn to violent content because they anticipate other benefits, such as thrill and suspense. We are not really attracted to violence but how the characters in the movie and series faces the violence we perceive it as a meaningful acts of courage and see profilers as heroes.

B. Change in Creative artists.

New young artists are getting exposed in the film industry bringing fresh and exciting plots. In an article called Serial Killer Culture: The Movie by Katherine Ramsland, she interviewed John Borowski who's just finishing up his fourth film. John Borowski said:

“My interest in serial killers is a combination of growing up watching horror films and my curiosity of morbid and macabre subjects, which can range from the stories of Edgar Allen Poe to the films of Alfred Hitchcock. In making films on serial killers, I hope to attempt to understand them and their actions. They are human beings just like all the rest of us and I feel it is society's responsibility to attempt to understand them and not just execute them so they are out of sight, out of mind.

There must be a reason for their existence and I’m attempting to figure that out. Maybe there is no answer, but I find their lives fascinating, especially the serial killers with interesting psychological components. Gein, Nilsen, Dahmer, and Fish I find the most interesting because their actions are not only extreme and bizarre, but there seems to be definite trauma in their past which can be referenced to in causing their actions as a murderer. 

Motivated people like John is the on responsible for bringing new ideas in the film industry. Artists like John are fueled with passion with their chosen medium they think beyond borders on what they do some might think of it as risk since they do not know if the public will like it or not and yet they are the ones coming up to the top. This type of people are affecting the serial killer trend in the film and television industry. He is specifically fascinated in the serial killer culture in movies.
Even new actors/actresses are portraying old serial killer characters like Hannibal whos previously played by Anthony Hopkins is now being played in a series called Hannibal by Mads Mikkelsen, whom which portrayed Hannibal very differently to Hopkins which gave the character a whole new meaning. People are getting more interested in new faces since the public wants new, fresh and exciting stories which fits perfectly.

Advancement of technology used in television and films.

With a lot of things changing day by day it is somehow hard to get tracked of today's technology.

An article entitled How has technology changed the entertainment industry? By Stephen Tobolowsky, He said:

“Technology's changed everything.  In just a physical sense, there is the possibility of a lot more, and a lot less being done.  You take cameras.  It used to take four men to operate a camera.  Now, with high def, one man.  That means 75 percent of the workforce is looking for a job.  The medium has changed.  The type of entertainments people seek have changed.

You could almost see the focal point of where the truth is changing.  For example, back in my heyday film was the thing.  That was the cauldron where ideas and great performances were created.  Now, film is kind of recycling '60s and '70s television shows -- for movies based on video games.  It's not really the cauldron of great ideas anymore.  Now, in a way, the cauldron of great ideas is cable TV.  Who would have thunk it?  That you can actually come the closest to creating a novel -- something like "Six Feet Under," or "Deadwood," or "Curb Your Enthusiasm."
The changes in technology have made it inexpensive enough to create novels in this novel way.  That has been a huge change.  I think the Internet is going to continue to change what the actor's role is.  That's why, for me, it's always important to know not just what project you're working on, but what story you're telling.  Because that is going to guide your path.(”
He discussed how the changes in technology brings a large effect in the film industry making things inexpensive, Stephen Tobolowsky is both an actor and a writer with vast experiences in the film industry he explained how today's technology gives a new way of giving entertainment. People can practically make a film within a few days with todays modern gadgets. Advance workflow has been introduced in ways that there was no more limit in imaginations, every serial killers fantasy is being accomplished by visual effects. TV series like Hannibal uses a lot of visual effects that emphasize the personality and the portrayal of how Hannibal kills, it was brutal in a way that it's an art. Practical effects is not something the people in film industry have given up on but having the advancement in technology definitely put a notch more in film making.

Chapter 3
Summary, Conclusions and


This paper attempted to determine the different factors affecting the popularity of serial killers in film and television.

The research design used in this study is the descriptive method where data from several different online articles was used to answer the following research question that was stated. The research finds are the following:

1. Serial killer films should take inspiration from serial killers from the history, since they are usually inspired by real serial killers from the past, some are greatly exaggerated to catch the public's interest.

2. Today's Serial killers film and series uses a great deal of visual effects to emphasize brutality and the manner of killing by a certain serial killer, which should every film maker take in to consideration.

3. Film-maker should have a continuous flow of ideas since the public tends to get tired of over-done stories, by watching serial killer movies and series it'd be easy to create a new stories based upon already made story.


Based on the finding of this study, the conclusions are drawn:

1. People are attracted to Villain and Hero type of stories, especially if the story is very unexpected also film-makers should take into consideration the type of viewers they prefer to view the film.
2. The use of visual effects in modern films and television has a big impact on portraying the personalities of Serial killers. Film-makers should take regard of the post production side of making film; from the quality to color, from art production to context of the script.
3. More young screen writers are appearing and knows what the young wants in term of content thus giving out satisfaction to audiences.

4. The audience/public wants new ideas everyday, a continous flow of ideas regarding scriptwriting and film making approaches should be kept high with the fast phase of today's technology.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. One should know the personality of a given character in order for it to work not only the character but the taste of the audience as well. In order for this to work, one should make research about different profiles of serial killers and applying it to the subject.
2. Audience loves the hero losing. This type of story trend should be considered by those who plans to make a similar film or series.

3. Film makers should take time researching about the particular genre. They should take time in watching similar films in order to have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the films for one to be able to easily make a similar approach.

4. Substance is a crucial thing in serial killer genre. The audience take interests in a very smart approach in scripts and story telling. Filmmakers should keep the story interesting by putting ideas that are never before been attempted.

5. Film-makers should take in consideration the three part of production. Pre-production, by having a well written script it is easy to take the audiences interest. Production, with today's latest technology, film-makers should take advantage of the modern gadgets and the benefits of digital film-making. In post-production, Visual effects is a trend that hollywood has been perfecting for years, with this approach not only you differentiate your film from a low budget and a high budget but you also get more attention since it is what the public today Is looking for.


Electronic Media

Ania Albhorn Nov 14, 2012, Serial Killers: Fascination or Fear?, Retrieved Dec 10 2013, From ahlborn- thriller-true-crime-film-sex-crime-book-to-screen

Ron Rosenbaum April 28, 2011 Why America Loves Serial Killers, Retrieved Dec 10 2013, From
Morgan Summerfield Dec 12, 2005 Serial Killer VS Media: A symbiotic relationship, Retrieved
Dec 10 2013, From

David Schmid 2005 Natural Born Celebrities Serial killers in American Culture, Retrieved Dec 10 2013, From 

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